Can The Medications I Take For My Other Diagnosis Mask Or Give False Results To Diagnosing MG?
I take weekly shots of Methotrexate, muscle relaxers to stop cramps, diuretics, and thyroid Rx
Very frustrated with doctors. They give me conflicting opinions
Ready to change doctors..
These were the first symptoms I realized something was wrong. Eye droop, severe leg cramps, muscle weakness in arms and legs, unsteady gait all these symptoms have been treated with medications but only help a little bit most of the time, but sometimes I do feel better.
6 months before getting sick I had… read more
Dear Ann, I am also surprised you are being prescribed a muscle relaxer if they have diagnosed you with MG. Before I was diagnosed about 3 years ago, I was prescribed a muscle Flexeril and it was a bad bad day for me. At the time, the doctors did not know I had MG and I had a pretty severe reaction. Also, many of us with MG are Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis, simply meaning the blood tests are all negative, but we still have MG. I hope you are doing well..
There is simple inexpensive test for MG that your pcp can order: AChR
There is a simple, inexpensive blood test for MG that your PCP can order: AChR, takes a couple of weeks, 80% accurate.
Bill Z
I agree.
Doctors treat RNs differently. Some get offended, which is okay because I just do not see them again, others are indifferent and tell me I am "Only a Nurse", but the decent ones will engage me at my level of education.
It is just No doctor ever mentioned MG to me before and since it is rare I never thought about it. Studying up on it now.
This site seems to have a lot of accurate information.
LOVE the carton! God gave us a brain and will. It is up to me to listen to promptings and following up on them, then to study things out in my mind.
Hi Anne:
Terry and Tammy are right on their points to you. In my case, it took almost two years to diagnose MG and then it was discovered by mistake. They did three different blood tests and all came back confirming MG. It started as oMG but after a couple of months, it was determined to be gMG. Being rather a rare disease, apparently finding a neurologist with experience or the desire to study up on MG is difficult. I am content with my doctor, but you have to accept the fact that it will be your problem to study up and discuss various issues to help yourself. A cartoon I sent to this group a couple of weeks ago basically said that "GOD helps those who help themselves" and unfortunately that is what we have to do.
Cheers and Good Luck
Bill Z in Shelton, WA
Blood Test
Why Can't Another Blood Test Be Run To Check If You Seropositive?? To Rule Out Gmg
Has Anyone Ever Had The SFEMG Test Done?