Has Anyone Ever Had The SFEMG Test Done?
I have not had that test yet, the SFEMG. Hoping not to have to get one at this point. I have researched it thoroughly and besides it being painful and expensive, the test results depend greatly on the expertise of the person doing the test, the environment of testing area (temperature, etc.), whether or not you have had any meds before hand, and how long before hand, and so on. At this point, I am trying to be my own advocate and say no to continuing this process of testing after testing after testing with no clear results. I have been told that if my Mestinon works and greatly helps my symptoms, then that is enough proof. Also, I did the ice pack test on my eye, and that test showed a very noticeable change. I hope you do not have to endure the SFEMG.
Hi Yvette I’ll let you know what the dr does😊
I've never had one don't know much about it , but I hope it gives you answers that will help.you on your journey with MG❤
Cynthia, I sure will like to know what all is done. They scheduled me for ,ime in January.
I had it done when I was a teenager that was only way I was able to get diagnosed with MG it gave me nightmares after I remembered them sticking the thing's into my body and shocking in my neck not fun at all I was just a kid and back then Noone had even heard of of someone as young as me with MG.
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