I Am Unable To Tolerate Pyridostigmine Bromide. What Would Your Recommendations Be For Another Medication.
I have both Ocular and Generalized MG and Rheumatoid Arthritis and A-1 C of 6.3 but I am now on Ozempic.
I’m the 10% person who had reactions but luckily the o my side effect I’ve had was slight headache and then slight jaw tightening. I take Benadryl an hour before my infusion.
Do you have any side effects from Vyvgary?
I’m not sure what his plan is
Thanks...does Medicare cover it?
Does The Effects Of Pyridortigmine Ever Wear Off
Should I Take Medication Threw Out The Night ,I Take Pyridostigmine, 30 Mg Every 3 Hours During Waking Hours
Why Would Someone Only Take Mestinon When MG Is Caused By Antibodies Attacking Our Nerves?? I Don't Get It. I'm 15 Mg Prednisone And 1000 Ce