Has Anyone Gotten A Covid Shot , Flu , And RSV At The Same Time?
Thank you for sharing I worked in the Emergency Room I believe in the flu shot and the same vitamins you take I have never been diagnosed with covid I always took my meds and vitamins most of all I have my faith I always plead the blood of Jesus over me that's all I need!
Had my RSV last year didn't need it , but got my flu & covid shot, I'm good to go!
I've taken the the flu & RSV together.
My pharmacist who knows all my issues said it would not be a problem. But ask your Dr and pharmacist. I got my flu shot this morning at the dr’s since I was there anyway. I’ll go get the rest probably next Friday just because I’m home now and like it here too much to leave again today
I got the Covid, flu, and pneumonia shots at the same time, but not the RSV.
So Is There A General Rule Of Thumb On Vaccinations? Upcoming Flu And Covid Shots Are Offered Everywhere. I Was Advised To Avoid Them.
I Have Avoided Getting Flue Shots And Vaccinations In General. This Has Been My Own Decision Not With Any Medical Advice. Right Or Wrong?
Has Anyone Gotten A Covid Shot , Flu , And RSS WOULD