Anyone In The Descartes 08 Study? If So What Type Side Effects Have You Noticed? I Just Had My First Treatment.
I feel stronger after my first treatment plus my face looks better. The muscles on the one side of my face are very week because I had Bell's Palsy before. It seemed to stop my face from dropping so much. The funny thing I've noticed is my pupils are very small since I had the treatment.
Eyes much more open, face more toned, eyes no longer bother by most light, feeling better than I have since 13 years ago.
Me after four treatments notice the changes.
My before Descartes 08 treatment
Someone asked about having Bell's Palsy and Myasthenia Gravis I was diagnosed in 2011 with Bell's Palsy after a very stressful night. The left side of my face barely moved, my eye was shut and I became extremely sensitive to light to the point I had to wear Transitions glasses most of the time and kept my blinds shut and my lights dim just so I could open my eyes. It did effect both eyes but my left one was way worse. I also had problems swallowing, talking, chewing, speaking that always was worse in the afternoon.
In 2018 I was finally diagnosed with gMG. In 2014 I was diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy by Dr. Arnason at the University of Chicago. He also was an expert on MG and Chairman of the Board for MG association. After I was diagnosed was gMG in 2018 I wrote to Dr. Arnason to see if he thought I might have MG when I saw him and he replied he did not but he wasn't aware of all my facial problems I had. I also noted that my PCP ran an MG blood test in 2013 which came back negative. To this day I still test negative with the MG blood test hence my seronegative diagnosis. My drug trial doctor Dr. Howard at UNC at Chapel Hill stated he thought I might have gotten gMG the same night as I got Bell's Palsy and knowing what I know now I would tend to agree. I had seen Three other neurologist who didn't comment on it one way or another including the one who finally gave me my gMG diagnosis. So I don't have a real answer for you but I do believe I got them together back in 2011 and it took till 2018 before I was diagnosed.
The study is still going great. I've had four treatments so far with two more to go. My only side effect has been my pupils are really small right now, but my neuro-ophthalmologist isn't worried about it. The study does take a lot of time. The site is two and half hours away from me, so they want me to come up the day before. It only takes about two hours to do the infusion, but you have to have a neurology exam before the infusion to see how well it's working. It is a blind study so, there's the chance you will get the placebo. I still don't know for sure if I am getting the drug or not but I'm sure a placebo wouldn't cause all the improvements I've been seeing. Once the infusion you are sent back to your hotel that they pay for to be monitored for side effects. This means you need someone with you every time to do this. On the MG scale I scored an 18 before I started the trial last week, I scored a 3. This is the best I have felt since before I was diagnosed back in 2018 probably even before that because I was first tested for MG in March of 2013. That test was a blood test, and it was negative. I still test negative with a blood test, and I am classed as seronegative.
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