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Top 10 search results for "Physical Therapy" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Looking to get moving, but worried about safety? You’re not alone. Muscle weakness and other symp...

3 Safe Exercises for Myasthenia Gravis: Good Ways To Get Moving

Looking to get moving, but worried about safety? You’re not alone. Muscle weakness and other symp...
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder caused by the immune system attacking t...

What Causes Myasthenia Gravis? 5 Risk Factors To Know

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder caused by the immune system attacking t...
Shortness of breath can be a sign of myasthenia gravis or a complication of the disease. Myasthen...

5 Ways To Ease Shortness of Breath With Myasthenia Gravis

Shortness of breath can be a sign of myasthenia gravis or a complication of the disease. Myasthen...
Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that affects how your nerves and muscles communicat...

7 Facts About Myasthenia Gravis You Should Know

Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that affects how your nerves and muscles communicat...
If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of myasthenia gravis, it’s important to know what’...

How Is Myasthenia Gravis Diagnosed? Antibodies, Ice Pack Test, MRI, and More

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of myasthenia gravis, it’s important to know what’...
Holding a job while living with myasthenia gravis (MG) can be challenging. Damage to muscles and ...

Disability Benefits and Retirement With Myasthenia Gravis: 7 Facts

Holding a job while living with myasthenia gravis (MG) can be challenging. Damage to muscles and ...
Although there’s no cure for myasthenia gravis (MG), several treatment options are available that...

9 Treatment Options for Myasthenia Gravis: Medication, Surgery, and More

Although there’s no cure for myasthenia gravis (MG), several treatment options are available that...
If you have myasthenia gravis, your risk of developing thyroid disease is higher than that of the...

5 Thyroid Issues With Myasthenia Gravis: Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and More

If you have myasthenia gravis, your risk of developing thyroid disease is higher than that of the...
Most people with myasthenia gravis (MG) have a similar life expectancy as everyone else. Heart ...

Does Myasthenia Gravis Affect Life Expectancy?

Most people with myasthenia gravis (MG) have a similar life expectancy as everyone else. Heart ...
Myasthenia gravis (MG) may cause a host of symptoms, but it doesn’t always stop at muscle weaknes...

Can Myasthenia Gravis Lead to Other Diseases?

Myasthenia gravis (MG) may cause a host of symptoms, but it doesn’t always stop at muscle weaknes...