Burning Thighs
Since I’m new at this! Haha! Is it common to experience a burning in your thighs? It’s towards my knees in both legs and it just a burns.
Whether I stand, sit or lay down.
It’s happening pretty regularly each night. Just curious if this is something anyone else has experienced.
My neurologist tested me for small fiber neuropathy and sadly I do have that and peripheral and autonomic neuropathy as well. I’m not diabetic and have no vascular problems. I get a BURNING !!!! For sure in my feet but it also hits various areas like the front of one calf or my left hip it drives me nuts. I use ice packs to quiet the nerves which is a tip my IVIG infusion nurse taught me and it helps. I’m also taking b complex because I’m deficient and I think it seems to wear off and it starts up.
Burning sensations in the thighs can sometimes occur in people with myasthenia gravis (MG), though it’s not a classic symptom of the condition. It could be related to muscle fatigue, nerve irritation, or even medication side effects. Since it’s persistent and affecting your quality of life, it’s important to discuss this Show Full Answer
Can Myathesis Gravis Cause Weird Sensation In Your Brain Or Should I Say Like A Burning Sensation?
How Many Other People Are Dealing With Neuropathy Along With Their MG?
My Drs Have Dropped Some Of Steroids And My Level Of Brusing Has Lessen. I To Am Forgetting Things Like Yvette Said. Havnt Work 120