Why Would My Neurologist Tell Me I Need To See A Pulmonologist Because Of Wheezing And Shortness Of Breath That Comes On Quickly.
This has been going on since the double vision and droopy eye in August of 2023. I hate drs
Possibly to rule out a serious pulmonary comorbidity.
They call myasthenia gravis the snowflake disease because each of us are different. We each have our own symptom subset. Some people have problems breathing and others don’t. It’s much better to meet a pulmonologist now when you’re not in crisis, and be able talk explain what is going on yourself. They will be able to better address your question as to whether your shortness of breath is related to your MG or not and possibly run some tests to get some baseline readings now (for comparison later if things change).
Well all my other drs listen to my lungs and say they are clear. Unfortunately it's not happening when I'm at the drs office.
I go to a pulmonologist because I have copd and the medicine Pyridostigmine produces phelm that makes breathing harder he helps me a lot ❤
Ok..sudden Onset Of Shortness Of Breath And Wheezing. My Neurologist Says That Is NOT Symptom Of Mg. Then I Find Out On This Site It Is.
I'm Two Weeks Off Of Prednisone And Still Weak As Ever..maybe Worse. Didn't Have This Issue Prior To Prednisone. Just Dbl Vision. Awful Awfu
Does Anyone Have Issues With Wheezing And Terrible Shortness Of Breath For No Reason? Drs Say They Hear No Wheezing. I'm Dropping Things To