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Top 10 search results for "Mycophenolate Mofetil" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Does Anyone Get Rashes On Their Legs? Is Anyone Able To Stand 4 Or More Hours Like A Cashier Would?

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A MGteam Member

Rashes and the ability to stand for extended periods can vary among individuals with myasthenia gravis (MG). Here are some relevant points from the knowledge base:

- Rashes: While rashes are not a… read more

Diagnosed With GMG In Oct 2023. On Cellcept And Mestinon. Anyone Have Unusual Bowel Movement Changes (not Diarrhea) With These Drugs?

A MGteam Member asked a question 💭
A MGteam Member

Yes i have to run to make it to the bathroom

Anyone Else Having Prickling, Tingling, Or Burning Feeling On Skin With Swelling Of The Hands, Feet, Or Ankles While On Mycophenolate?

A MGteam Member asked a question 💭

I just want to see if this could be a reaction to the Mycophenolate mofetil before I call my neurologist. My PCP has run tests and ruled out clots and kidney/ liver problems causing the swelling. While researching, we found these could be reactions to the Mycophenolate, and I said I'd ask here if this was common.

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A MGteam Member

Yes, I have the same symptoms here. Specially, very sensitive skin. 🫤

Does Anyone Get Tremors? I'm Taking Cellcept 1 Tablets Twice A Day And 1,1/2 Tablets Of Mesition 4 Times A Day. I'm Better Then I Was .

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A MGteam Member

I take two 60 mg pyridostigmine three times a day. I get tremor in my hands, fingers and feet. And I've lost a lot of manual dexterity.

Why Would Someone Only Take Mestinon When MG Is Caused By Antibodies Attacking Our Nerves?? I Don't Get It. I'm 15 Mg Prednisone And 1000 Ce

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A MGteam Member

Pyridostigmine helps with neuromuscular communication prednisone is an immunosuppressant against antibodies. Not familiar with the other medication. I also take Azathioprine, another… read more

Cellcept For OMG, Anyone Have Any Experiences? Might Be My Next Option.

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A MGteam Member

I’ve been on 3000mg cellcept going on 4 years now. It took a long time to really kick in and the improvement of my symptoms was so slow that I didn’t realize it was helping. Then my doctor tried to… read more

May A Crisis Sometimes Feel Like An Asthma Attack? I Have Never Been In Crisis, But Have Had Had Asthma In The Past.

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I thought I just swallowed something wrong but I continued to cough for a while & continue to feel congested.

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A MGteam Member

Kathryn, those we’re words of wisdom it’s true I’ve also learned that lesson even if those days I don’t have the strength in my legs to get out of bed, even learning new lessons like humility and how… read more

Who Else Takes Mycophenolate 500mg And How Has It Effected You?

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Is The Infusion Treatment Ultomiris Better Than Mycophenolate? How Serious Is Meningitis Threat?

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Interested In Learning About Mycophenolate?

A MGteam Member asked a question 💭

Was recently prescribed a 500 mg dosage twice a day, I read about side effects, including cancer? Asked my dr, still waiting on reply. Hesitant to start taking…

A MGteam Member

Been in it since 2021 been in crisis with it and caused diverticulitis. Now in retuxan and myfortic ( same as cellcept except less GI symptoms.