Does Anyone Have Severe Weakness In Arms And Legs And Pain With It
I need a hip replacement and I have AS so some times it’s hard for me to put my hand on what’s MG and what isn’t.
Hi Camille, yes, I have weakness in both arms and this morning, I had bad aching in my forearms to the point that I had to take a large dose of Ibuprofen and then wrap my arms in a heating pad until the pain subsided. Today was the first day that I've experienced hard pain in my limbs. Hope that isn't the norm for this disease. I also experience rapid onset of extreme weakness in my arms. I'm always surprised and caught off guard at how fast it can happen. Hope you're feeling better and having a good day. Tell me about your it sharp or aching?
Ok thank you
I have pain in my shoulders , some of which is pre MG. I do have weakness in my grip all the time but it doesn't hurt, I just drop stuff
I’m Just Learning About The Various Symptoms Of MG And Was Wondering If Foot Sensitivity And Pain At Night Were Related To MG?
Has Anyone With Confirmed Myasthenia Gravis Tried VISIBLE Or Does Anyone Know Someone With Confirmed Myasthenia Gravis That Tried It???
Does Anyone Out There With MG Experience Occasional Numbness And Tingling Of Your Face? It Can Last Anywhere From Minutes To Hours.