Does Anyone Else Have Trouble Carrying An Item In Front Of Your Body?
I have found that my core is extremely weak and one of the hardest things for me to do is carry a box or something similar in front of me. I either need to put everything in trash bags and carry 1 out in each hand giving me balance or, if I have boxes like I do right now around Christmas, I put the boxes in to large tote bags I have and then can carry a tote in each hand out to my car. I live in an apartment complex. Since mg is different for everyone maybe no one else has this issue.
Carrying items in front of your body can indeed be challenging for people with myasthenia gravis (MG), as core and arm muscles may fatigue quickly. Your strategy of balancing weight between both hands is smart, as it reduces strain on specific muscle groups. Using assistive tools like tote bags or carts can also help. If Show Full Answer
It might be more that your arms become really weak, MelanieJoy. I find that pushing a grocery cart out in front of me is just exhausting. Driving my car with my arms extended to the steering wheel and playing my piano does the same thing. After just a few minutes, I have to rest one of my arms and then rotate them to finish shopping or driving. It's very frustrating to say the least. Hope you feel better and stronger soon. ๐
That sounds very similar to my issues as well. I can't do steps without a rail either. And if it's more than 3 or so I avoid them if I had all possibly can. Before I started infusions and seeing a physical therapist I couldn't walk more than maybe 10 steps without ending up bent over. I'm hoping physical therapy will help me build a little more stamina or strength so I'm not walking bent over but at least I'm trying to find ways to work around it.
I have to put things in a tote bag because my balance is so bad I need one hand to hold on to something, I can't walk up one stair with put having a railing to hold on to and in the store I have to have a cart to lean on sometimes I have problems standing straight. This MG is littlery a pain all aroundโค๐
Thanks Melanie Joy. Hugs back!
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