What Do We Take To Get Rid Of Nasty Gas?
Doublecheck your diet and google what you eat to see if there is anything that you are eating that is causing this. Check your over the counter meds if you taking vitamins or supplements. It could be something very simple that you would never have thought would cause it. Even things you drink such as milk. tea or coffee. What are you taking for the mg since you said you haven't taken the mestinon in 2 months? Check those side effects even the "rare" ones that don't seem to bother most people. It's a process that should have an answer somewhere.
This and the diarrhea are the worse things so far about this MG , but I'm only beginning I was diagnosed in February, I feel like a pill deepen sort and a drug store, pretty soon I'll need a job just to pay for everything.I'm running out of storage space for my wipes, pads diapers,ointments , and extra toilet paper , I've never need so much❤
No maybe that b is something I should ask ,maybe a lower dose might help, instead of him wanting to put me on pretisone.
Oh gosh guys!! I start Prednisone tomorrow......... I am a bit scared after reading these, YIKES
If you can, avoid prednisone. Do with all cost. The side affects are unreal. Grouchness is at the worst. Plus the weight gain. It makes you want to eat the whole refrigerator.
Does Anyone Get Tremors? I'm Taking Cellcept 1 Tablets Twice A Day And 1,1/2 Tablets Of Mesition 4 Times A Day. I'm Better Then I Was .
How Can I Control These Burst Of Diarrhea And Gas From Taking Pyridostigmine? I'm Already Taking Gylcopyrrolate 1mg 3 X A Day.
Severe MG Flare...