I Have Been Having A Hard Time Staying Awake After Dinner About 7 Pm Lately For About Two Months Now. Does Anyone Else Experienced This?
In addition, I have removed any supplemental magnesium from my diet and I have focused my diet on more “clean” foods. Nothing processed. All has improved my energy levels.
Now that I have finished my second round of Vyvgart, I definitely feel like I have a little more energy and now I try to stay up until 9:00 or so. Otherwise I wake up around 3:00 to go to the bathroom and can't get back to sleep. I have learned to do well on 6:00 hours but try for 8:00. I can get to sleep most nights but have issues staying asleep.
I had the same issues. However since increasing my D3 and B12 supplements and adding in CO-Q10 along with exercise I have found my energy levels have improved.
I was going to bed about that time every night when I was in the middle of being diagnosed. I just finished my second round of Vyvgart yesterday and over the past 3 months I have noticed less fatigue. We are still working on the month I'm off the infusions to make sure no symptoms come back during that time. I look at all of this as my body adjusting to its new normal. When I have a bad day and feel extra tired I have to remind myself that in August when I was diagnosed I couldn't walk 10 ft and was so exhausted I didn't know how I could work. I would say I'm back to 80% of what was normal prior to MG. I can live with that!
I find myself napping at least once a day, usually in the afternoon. And I sleep up to 9 hours at night. That does not get rid of the fatigue but it does lessen its bone crushing nature.
I Have MG But My Neurologist Also Thinks I Have “functional Neurological Disconnect.” Anyone Else Hearing This From Their Doctor Too?
Lately About 20 Minutes After Eating, I Find That My Chest Becomes Tight & Short Of Breath, Lightheaded. Does Anyone Else Have This Happen?
Does Anyone Else Have Partial Paralysis Of Your Diaphragm? I Do And Have Lost All Volume In My Voice. I Sound Like A 3 Year Old Now.