What Is Your Experience Of Morning?
I shake and arms and legs are not coordinated. They shake. I feel like weakness will make me fall. It’s like all at once suddenly my limbs get heavy and I have to look where to land! Every day is like this ever since what felt like a TIA.
When I awake before getting out of bed my arms and legs feel as though I have lifted weights all night. But as I get out of bed and start moving, my morning times are usually the best. By noon I am starting to slow down, weak, droopy eye, etc. My dad (airline pilot for TWA for 30 years) always said, a 15 minute nap in the afternoon will do wonders for a person! So lets all take a nap!!🥰
Bill I totally agree with you. I wish I could have a dog. My landlord said no pets. I'm thinking about getting a bird though. Good morning to you too.🙂
Mornings are my best time of the day. I try to get things done before getting too tired. Sometimes take a nap around noon and then usually feel stronger. Not always, but usually.
My experiences are mostly weakness in my legs. Also, my voice be very raspy. I have to be very careful when getting out of bed.
It sounds like you’re describing symptoms of muscle weakness and fatigue, which are common in myasthenia gravis, especially in the morning when your muscles may feel stronger but quickly weaken with activity. This could also be related to poor coordination and heaviness in your limbs. It’s important to discuss these Show Full Answer
Burning Thighs
Does Your Myasthenia Gravis Symptoms Come And Go?
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