What Type Of Physical Therapy Has Anyone Had? My Neck, Shoulder Area And Back Are So Tight. Need Advice On Do And Not To Do /
I started physical therapy, but my doctor paused it for now. My balance and coordination were getting worse. I should probably look into starting up again. I feel stretching exercises and moving our muscles is important.
I go to the Chiropractor every 3 weeks , he stretches my neck , and back he knows I have MG so he gave me some stretching exercises to do everyday they really help , and if I get tight muscles in my neck and shoulders he has me use bio-freeze roll on gel , he said its important to keep moving those muscles , and for my leg cramps I use a muscle massager ever night on them before I go to bed , I found out the trick is to keep them warm , I just love my Chiropractor he helps me so much.
I just finished PT for my neck, shoulder and back. It really has helped me a lot. I'm able to do more with my upper body. They gave me some exercises for my legs & lower body. The only thing about those are they are seated exercises. Drs. don't want me to fall.
That is really good and smart for you to do the exercises sitting or even laying down Brinda.
Most my exercises are performed laying down.
All the exercises I do I sit or lay down to do them because I have terrible balance due to a surgery on my ear they moved the crystals and it through my balance off , it was worse but I had months of therapy for it long before I was diagnosed with MG.
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Has Anyone Experienced Issues With Stiff Neck And .pain . Problem Moving Your Head To The Right And Left
Does Anyone Else Experience A Lot Of Pain? I've Been Told By My Doctors In The Past That MG Isn't Painful. Well, My Neck, Shoulders HURT.