What’s One Thing About Myasthenia Gravis That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
The mental impact, anxiety, and depression caused by Myasthenia Gravis. This rare disease is very difficult to deal with. THIS is where groups can play a priceless role. Finding out you are not alone is extremely important from a mental health standpoint.
Depending on each individual case, a diagnosis can also cause PTSD in some. I would like to see more mental health data, treatment, and stories.
Menopause and MG I have had MG since age 4 Menopause makes MG symptoms worse have been in hospital 6 times in 5 months this MG can cause stress on body and mind. In the midst of all of this JESUS and family has helped me.
2 things come to mind PTSD from medical misdiagnosis or not being believed.
And the stress when your family and friends don't believe you because you look fine, or thinking you're lazy or "I don't know how you work w double vision" accusing you of lying-and I say "you're right..I don't know how I do it either"
I live with this too. Sometimesvpelvic floor weakness is the cause. With MG we don’t get as much exercise of our muscles that we need. Some medications for bladder spasm are bad for MG.
Any time we are being prescribed we need to confirm it isn’t contra indicated for MG. And be very careful relative to antibiotics.
I found this when I searched on pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence with MG:
Yes, people with myasthenia gravis (MG) can experience pelvic floor and incontinence issues:
Urinary incontinence: MG patients have a higher frequency of urinary incontinence than controls. In one study, 43% of MG patients experienced urinary incontinence, compared to healthy controls.
Nocturia: MG patients are more likely to experience nocturia, or frequent urination at night. In one study, 80.5% of MG patients experienced nocturia.
Overactive bladder: MG patients may experience overactive bladder.
Stress urinary incontinence: Female MG patients are more likely to experience stress urinary incontinence due to pelvic floor and sphincter weakness.
Polyuria: Male MG patients may experience polyuria due to corticosteroids
MG is a neuromuscular junction disorder, and lower urinary tract dysfunction can occur after neurological disorders. However, it's unclear to what extent MG pathology contributes to these issues. This is especially difficult to determine in older MG patients, as other conditions can also cause lower urinary tract symptom
In conclusion, patients with MG may have LUT (Lower Urinary Tract) dysfunction mainly of sphincter etiology. Amelioration of LUT dysfunction, particularly of stress urinary incontinence that affects the quality of life, therefore should be a primary target in the treatment of patients with MG.
This is a great question, because it impacts quality of life,and, note the high present age of myasthenia that suffer with this!!
I think the other consideration is how many of the people suffer with incontinence and MG AND other autoimmune diseases that require medications that impact kidney health. Then you will have a better picture of complex association of incontinence with MG.
Has Anyone Else Been Misdiagnosed Or Have Comorbidities (other Diagnosed Autoimmune Diseases)?
What Effects Does Magnesium Have On Myasthenia Gravis?
Since Acetylcholine Has A Lot To Do With Brain Health, It Would Make Sense That MG Can Affect The Brain. I Have Been Diagnosed In February