Is The Diagnosis Of Myasthenia Gravis On An Upward Swing In This Country?
When I was first diagnosed with MG, I started reading everything about it that I could find, and all literature stated that it was a rare autoimmune disease.....very rare. Now it seems that more and more folks are being diagnosed with it all over the world and in all walks of life. I'm just wondering if there is an uptick in the number of cases, or are doctors just more tuned in to our symptoms today than they were about 50 years ago??!! Just wondering...............
Myasthenia gravis (MG) remains a rare disease, affecting people of all ages, genders, races, and ethnic groups. However, certain groups are more likely to be diagnosed, including:
- Women younger than 40 years old
- Men older than 60 years old
- African American women
The increased awareness and improved diagnostic Show Full Answer
I was diagnosed at 45 yrs of age. Mine was from either the trauma of a serious injury, or a chlorine tube that blew up in my face. It is not uncommon for hard contact sports players to get MG from what my Neuro and I researched. As well as extreme exposure to chlorine.
I believe with more and more vaccines being given and the statins now being given more frequently, we will continue seeing more and more diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis.
Every day I am on the Good Lord's wake up list is a good day for me. Wishing you a great day as well.
Hi Diane, Thank God you never were on the Repatha injection! My doctor signed me up on the Repatha Sure Click for $15.00 per month(some coupon at the time). I injected the poison in my body every two weeks for over a year, trusting my physician that it was helping me. All the time, my health just kept getting worse and worse, with no answers. I developed severe neuropathy in my feet, lost all my muscle mass, and could not walk a straight line most the time, along with severe muscle weakness and fatigue. When I was made aware that I possibly could have MG by my new neurologist, I immediatly stopped the Repatha injections. Yes, I do believe the statins prescribed to me, had everything to do my MG worsening.
Has Anyone Else Been Misdiagnosed Or Have Comorbidities (other Diagnosed Autoimmune Diseases)?
How Does Magnesiam Effect M G
What Effects Does Magnesium Have On Myasthenia Gravis?