Would A Thymectomy Relieve My Symptoms? How Long Is The Process? What Would Be My Possible Prognosis?
I've been diagnosed since 2013, with ocular MG. Not much info back then and all my docs were absolutely perplexed with me. I was put on mestinon idk what the dosage was back then. I followed all the doctors advice. My neurologist didn't have this info back then. I couldn't find much at all. I was told so many things that it became water in a bucket. All I kept was there was no cure. And you have a tumor in your thyroid. Docs back then said your thyroid shouldn't be active. That's it. I just had… read more
I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble, Johanna! I have the same diagnosis and symptoms, so I'm interested in what answers you get from doctors about the best way to deal with all of it.
Prayers for you and all of us!
❤️ wm
Please note the difference between thyroid gland and thymus gland. Two entirely different things. If you have a thyroid tumor, it may not be cause for alarm.It must be checked and followed annually (I speak from experience - I have a tumor that grows but it is benign / no cancer but we do keep our eye on it!) If there is trouble with the thymus, then have the doctor's look into that thoroughly as it is a definite tie to MG.
Hi Johanna, I'm so sorry you're going through such a trial and struggle with this stuff. It seems like it's different for each one of us. You mentioned bruising on your legs Johanna. Do you get muscle cramps in your legs at night? They are just excruciating. I'm glad there is so much more information out there available to us all nowadays and I'm glad you're staying on top of it. It helps to understand what is going on inside our bodies. You're in my thoughts and prayers sister. Hope you feel much better soon and that your doctors will work with you to keep you informed of the latest developments and medications. Thanks so much for sharing your story and symptoms with us. 💖
I'm glad your so informed so you can be your own advocate and help the doctors help you , they are so much more knowledgeable now about MG , and to me a person is a person period , god made us all and loves us all, praying for you my friend that you get good medical treatment and answers.
Given your detailed history and current symptoms, here are some insights based on my knowledge base:
Thymectomy and Its Benefits
- Thymectomy: This is the surgical removal of the thymus gland. It is often recommended for people with myasthenia gravis (MG) to improve muscle weakness, reduce medication needs, and Show Full Answer
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