Does MG Affect Your Concentration & Memory?
I believe its age and we have so much on our minds to look out for we forget the little things , sounds good to me.
I feel that my memory is sometimes lacking. For example I’ll forget a name and then remember 20 minutes later. At the same time I can remember something that happened 50 years ago like it was yesterday. Maybe age and MG?
I haven't noticed any effect on concentration/memory. I am a psychologist and continue to work in the field, and it has not impacted my ability to stay engaged. Someone told me during one hospital visit that I have the "Snowflake" disease. When I asked, they told me that for everyone, the disease is different. That has stuck with me since.
Myasthenia gravis (MG) primarily affects the neuromuscular junctions, leading to muscle weakness. While the primary symptoms are related to muscle function, some people with MG report issues with concentration and memory. It's important to discuss any cognitive symptoms with your neurologist to ensure you receive Show Full Answer
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Since Acetylcholine Has A Lot To Do With Brain Health, It Would Make Sense That MG Can Affect The Brain. I Have Been Diagnosed In February