Fellow MGteamers, Do You Find The Support, Information And Experiences Of Others On MGteam Helpful To You? Does It Feel Good To Share?
I, in a short span of time, have benefited greatly from the MGteam experience. I understand much more about the disease in practical terms. I have come to understand the various treatments and meds and procedures in much more detail, especially how others react to the treatments. I have, most importantly, found myself MORE concerned and worried about OTHER team members and focusing more on them than myself. It feels good to look outward instead of just inward about this disease. Sharing… read more
I have learned a lot about my MG from other people sharing their MG story of symptoms and treatments. I have been able to ask questions of my MG doctors about my progress and progression of the disease based on what I have learned from this social network. The MGteam provides phenomenal comments, suggestions and hope to support us, providing us courage and inspiration to proceed. Thank you!
The knowledge of others I very helpful sometime for me knowing what is working for others and what options are available out there. I have also found posting what I am going through sometimes will prompt someone to suggest something that I haven’t tried that might be useful information, or they may suggest something to bring up to my neurologist. It is a good feeling to post here knowing that most of the people here can understand what is going on and may have a helpful tip. It is ok to post when you are having a bad day so other can come along side you and give you some support as well as posting when you have a great day to encourage others that even though they might be having a bad day better days are coming. Thanks for the question
Find it helpful to read about others reactions to the different meds. Nice to know I'm not the only one.
It took a long time to find a group that is supportive and helpful. The articles have she immense light on my condition. Like I didn't know MG could change! Whew. When my eyes are strong enough I'm here reading notifications and learning more to help with my daily life. This group makes me feel better🥰😎❤ thank you.
I think as long as we can supportive of each other it's helpful to me to be in this group
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