Neurologist Did A Vit B12 Test. Mine Came Back High 1865ml. In 2000 It Was Little Lower In 2020 But Still High . Anyone Have This Problem
I take a b12 supplement every night It's about 200mg. Been doing that for about 15 yrs. Low dose has been good for me
I had my Neurologist check it. Wanted to know if it was low because I'm so tired.
I've had the opposite problem. Mine is low enough that I have to have shots every 2 weeks. Don't know whether B12 is part of the cause, the effect, or is totally unrelated to MG, but it makes sense to me that the more physiologically balanced we can become, the healthier we should be.
I just stopped any supplements with B12. I read that over 2000 in very bad and can be signs of other problems. I just wish káiser would keep and eye on problems before they turn into something. You would think after seeing an upward trend they would keep and eye on it.
I’ll look what it is Monday i start treatment they do blood before
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