Who Has Balance Issues? I Sorta Stagger And Bump Into Things Unless I Use A Walker. It Really Sucks. This Is One Seemingly Atypical Symptom
Severe double vision (vertigo) and leg weakness has made walking difficult. I resisted even using a cane for a while. I have had many falls but I have never been injured. Moving around my house is a huge challenge.
Balance issues can be a part of myasthenia gravis due to muscle weakness, particularly in the legs. This can make walking long distances, standing up from a chair, and climbing stairs difficult. While full-time wheelchair use is uncommon with proper treatment, some people may still experience significant challenges. It's Show Full Answer
Yes, Faye has a lot of balance issues unless she is on Prednisone, but they’ve taken her off of it for now. She has had some falls, but thankfully hasn’t had any major injuries, just some bruising. We are Very thankful she hasn’t been injured! So far, she is unwilling to use a Walker or cane. I try to walk behind her when she’s going up steps, and she holds onto walls & furniture in our home. And I remind her often that we have a Walker and a wheelchair if she ever feels like she needs it.
Yes my daughter has balance issues and even walks differently then she used too
Thanks. I appreciate your support.
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