My Daughter Has Not Seen A Neurologist Since May But Still In Doing Her Infusions Every 3 Weeks Is There Some Test She Needs To Be Done To
Make sure her levels are good?
She should be doing labs every 3 to 4 months maybe more due to her age. I would call neurologist and ask them when her next labs are due.
This would be a miracle if it does happen🙏
I think they know the issue (MG) they need to figure the right mix of meds to gain control of pain and reduce unpredictability. My neurolist says by the 2nd year it does level out and many times goes into remission.
It might be helpful to discuss with her neurologist about the following tests to monitor her myasthenia gravis:
- Blood tests: To check for abnormal antibodies targeting AChRs
- Repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS): To study how well nerves communicate with muscles.
- Electromyography (EMG): To measure how well the brain Show Full Answer
My Daughter Has Been Getting Her Infusions Every 3 Weeks Since December But Now She Says Her Veins Hurt, There Is Times Her Arm Muscles Get
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Personal Question.......