Thoughts On Getting The COVID Vaccine? Anyone Have Issues With Receiving It?
There are some studies that point a correlation between the Covid vaccine and MG if symptoms show up within 4 weeks of receiving the vaccine. Mine started 3 weeks after getting the vaccine.
Thank you for responding, Roy.
I am meeting with my doctor tomorrow and I will discuss this. It's nice to be able to refer to your information.
Because I'm on Ultomiris now and my resistance could be lowered, I'm not getting any more Covid shots.
My doctor has advised against getting any more Covid vaccines. He says they caused blood clots. I have always been very healthy and had a strong immune system. I think the 3 Covid vaccines that I had kicked my immune system into overdrive, and possibly cause the MG!
I never had any symptoms prior. 3 weeks after getting the vaccine I developed double vision and the droopy eyelids. Went to ER thinking i was having a stroke. All was negative. Neurologist tested for MG and referred me to a neuro-ophthalmologist. Tests came back positive. Diagnosed with Occular and it has since converted to general.
What happened?
I Have Avoided Getting Flue Shots And Vaccinations In General. This Has Been My Own Decision Not With Any Medical Advice. Right Or Wrong?
So Is There A General Rule Of Thumb On Vaccinations? Upcoming Flu And Covid Shots Are Offered Everywhere. I Was Advised To Avoid Them.
Is It A Good Idea To Get Flu Vaccine And Covid?