Hello, I Would Like To Know If It's Common For Your Body To Hurt? My Daughter Complains Daily About Her Calf's Hurting
From day one, over six years ago. I have experienced pain. They also told me pain wasn't a part of it but THEY all read from the same book and have never lived it.
Pain will come and go in cycles and usually attack opposite quadrants of the body.
For me, I get headaches and neck pain and into my shoulders. I think that it’s the extra effort to keep my head up and compensating with my neck and shoulders. Massages, yoga (not a joke) and CBD lotion have been helping me the most. With yoga, it help with my stability and keeping my muscles from stiffening. I like to do restorative yoga which is similar to tai chi
Yes I guess maybe being old has a lot to do with it
About pain, I did for a little while take Advil but nurse wife and doctor said it would eat a hole in my stomach (800 mg) but it helped with the pain my doctor said I could take Gabapention 300 mg this is a nerve medician I had been taking 1 every now and then but she said I could take 2 three times a day I did once slept for almost day and half I now take one in the afternoon and one at night Almost all the medician I take makes you not sleep, also it’s cheaper than advil I hate this but I guess God is keeping me around for something but feeling useless is not good
I think the question maybe is it pain or extreme fatigue? My neurologist said I shouldn't feel pain but may field fatigue, especially in the neck/shoulders/arms.
I do feel some leg pain at times at the end of the day but think it maybe sore muscles due to fatigue...going to ask next week!
My Daughter Complains Often Of Pain Behind Her Knees, Even If She Don't Go Out For A Couple Days She Complains About It Anyone Else?
Has Anyone With Confirmed Myasthenia Gravis Tried VISIBLE Or Does Anyone Know Someone With Confirmed Myasthenia Gravis That Tried It???
My Daughter Has Been Getting Her Infusions Every 3 Weeks Since December But Now She Says Her Veins Hurt, There Is Times Her Arm Muscles Get