What's A Common Misconception About Myasthenia Gravis?
You can be on the right medications and be stabilized, but it is a life sentence. You just have to find the right combination of things that work for you. No one knows what you are dealing with. That is why this support group is so very helpful. It makes you realize that you are not the only one going through this. It is nice to hear other peoples stories and how they might relate to you.
If I look OK then I must be fine. In reality, on the better days, things are just ":OK" and I will make it through the day with out major problems. I am never "fine" and everything I do in any given day has consequences limiting what else I can do.
Yesterday I had an MRI with contrast and I told the tech I had MG. She said “what’s that?” If the medical people don’t know, how can we even hope for understanding.
DEFINITELY #1 is.....
You look strong and healthy, how could you be sick and fatigued?
I agree, sometimes when you try to explain what your going through, but I feel some people just thinks it exaggerated. Even for me,, when I have my card games, the ladies will say, .”Donna’s eyes are crossing , we need to make this the last hand.” I do miss my crazy, runaround, going shopping, grandchildren's games, and social life, but I must listen to my body now.
Has Anyone Else Been Misdiagnosed Or Have Comorbidities (other Diagnosed Autoimmune Diseases)?
Does Anyone Get Rashes On Their Legs? Is Anyone Able To Stand 4 Or More Hours Like A Cashier Would?
How Does Magnesiam Effect M G