May A Crisis Sometimes Feel Like An Asthma Attack? I Have Never Been In Crisis, But Have Had Had Asthma In The Past.
I thought I just swallowed something wrong but I continued to cough for a while & continue to feel congested.
Oh, bless your heart. So sorry you’ve had to go through all that. Always remember you have a wonderful group of friends here that you can lean on. I feel as if I’ve found a whole new bunch of friends here. Praying for you ❤️
Rest assured Steve, if I hadn’t gotten better within the short period I did give myself we would definitely be speaking with me in a hospital. I am learning my triggers, and learning my limits. I only gave myself 45 minutes, kept check on my breathing and am okay. Thanks for the input.
My daughters and I are putting together a tracking form for myself to see what I’m doing , and how I feel so I have some organized, recognizable measures for myself as to how good/ not good I’m doing and why. Stress is a huge trigger and some unsettling things had just happened.
We are all a work in progress. Glad you made it back from 3 crisis to be able to give advice.
Terry, this is an interesting question and discussion. I was just diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in January. To my knowledge I would say I have never had a crisis. However I have choked several times on something very small and insignificant. It sets off a coughing fit of at least 15 - 20 minutes. It was very hard to breathe during this time. Now I'm wondering if that's a crisis.
So sorry. I'm frequently unable to get a deep breath because of weakness in my diaphragm. My oxygen level may be fine but I feel like I can't breathe and then I get anxious and it gets worse.
I understand, not wanting to rest all day. I have resorted to crocheting small things when my eyes allow it to deal with the downtime. I was diagnosed six months ago that ended my career at the age of 75. I still want to work for another 10 years has made it pretty difficult trying to get back on my feet After reading from others, I realize I’m not alone and it’s a day today process and I need to praise the Lord for the good days and thank you for the bad that I can appreciate the good thank everyone for their good input. Kathryn
It's Been Almost A Year Since I Had A Myasthenia Crisis. . Couldn't Walk Talk Breathe Or Swallow. Spent 3 Months In The Hospital. Diagnosi
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