My Doctor Is Suggesting Imuran Or Cell Cept. Any Experiences With These?
I was diagnosed early an got started on Cellcept. Dr.says it is working so go that he doesn't want to change to anything else. Sure hope your treatments work as good as mine. Hang in there.
Linda I'm starting CellCept soon with small dose of prednisone
Just Started cellcept. On mesition and steroids
Hoping for a sign that there working.
I've only started to feel a little better. Taking cellcept along with mesition and prednisone.
Been on cellcept now for 2 months so far will see just had blood work done so see how I do
I Would Be Interested To Hear People’s Experiences With Imuron And If Your Taking An Antibiotic With It As Well?
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2nd Day Of Adding Prednisone For Symptoms