Has Anybody Ever Lost Weight When They Were First Put On Prednisone For A Flare ?
I lost 44 lb.Now weaning off and I started on Cellcept been going into 5 weeks now
No. I got up to 60mg and held held that for 5 mouths. I gained 20lbs and felt nervous i am winging down slowly . Every 6 weeks I decrease 5mg. Right now at 45mg . You have to take the bad with the good . It got rid of my double vision where now I can drive . It has kept the MG symptoms down . I also started Celcept 3 months ago. I can tell it’s starting to work . So the steroids will one day be very low at 10mg.
I was on 60mg of Prednisone for more than a year and gained 30 lbs. I also got the moon face; I looked like the marshmallow man. I've lost 40 pounds since then as I weaned off Prednisone about two years ago. I take azathioprine and get IVIG infusions once a month.
I lost weight because I lost muscle mass.
Hi Cindy! A lot of people seem to gain weight and have issues with edema when on prednisone, especially long term. I’m on a tapering dose currently and hope to be off of this med by May. It didn’t do much for me. I was already on a massive weight loss journey anyway, before the prednisone was prescribed, due to chewing and swallowing issues and I didn’t gain much weight. Using it short term for a flare should reduce the side effects I would think.
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How Can I Lose Weight When They Have Me Taking Prednisone? It Makes Me Gain Weight.