How Do Beverages With Caffeine Affect Your MG?
I drink caffeine free diet pepsi or I get very shaky. Only since I started Prednisone.
Caffeine doesn't bother me but I've lost the taste for sodas.l They taste like I licked a battery. Because of that I lost 35lbs. I count that as a win! for some reason it effects my appetite. And I stopped taking the steroids and Mestinon. I just could not function on the drugs.
I drink coffee on a regular basis ( 1/2 regular and 1/2 decaf ) and I have no issues.
The only time I have issues with caffeine is from "coffee" - but not every time. Mysterious. I usually have a daily Coke Zero. The caffeine in that drink doesn't affect me.
I drink less caffeine than before the diagnosis but it doesn’t seem to bother me
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Energy Drink