I’m Just Learning About The Various Symptoms Of MG And Was Wondering If Foot Sensitivity And Pain At Night Were Related To MG?
Ann, I am so sorry. I get so frustrated with this horrible disorder and the treatments that aren't as effective as I'd hoped for.
I used to take magnesium until I learned it was contraindicated formyathenics
I take only 1/2 (of 60 mg pill 3-4 ax day potassium and stretching walks and Epsom salt baths help
Ann, I am awake right now because of painful spasms in my feet and legs These occur during the night and during the day. Before my diagnosis of MG, my neurologist thought I had restless leg syndrome. The two neurologists that I have seen over the years have said the spasms are not related to MG. I feel they are, and it make sense. Our muscles fatigue easily, and that is what causes the spasms, so I would say yes to your question.
I have to limit my Mestinon dosing because it causes lower extremity pain at night, for me anyway. I don’t take it after 3pm. It doesn’t really do much anyway. This dreadful disorder and the treatments are SO different for everyone!
Ann, I take the same dosage four times a day, and the spasms continue. The worse ones are the ones that spasm up the fronts of my legs where the skin is tighter. I have had them go on for hours at a time. Sometimes it is because I pushed myself too hard during the day, but not always. I am a firm believer that it is related to the MG. They occur during the day too, and when they do, I know I am going to have a really bad night. Someone said online once to eat a pickle or drink pickle juice. I have done that too! I am on potassium for my heart issues, so it is not potassium levels. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Hang in there!
MG And Your BP. Do Any Of You MG People Deal With Wildly Fluctuating Blood Pressures In A 24-hour Period? Is This A Normal Symptom?
Occular MG
May A Crisis Sometimes Feel Like An Asthma Attack? I Have Never Been In Crisis, But Have Had Had Asthma In The Past.