My PCP Just Told Me That She Heard "crackles" In My Lungs, Yet My Chest X-ray Came Back Negative. Anyone Else With MG Have This "problem?"
Hi Diane! I don't have that specific problem, but have definitely had problems with my lungs. It's just so hard to narrow down the cause, and because of that I can't say definitively that any of it is related to MG.
Sure hope you get some answers soon!
Merry Christmas!! ❤️wm
Hi Diane , I have copd , I have never smoked but I worked in a hospital around strong chemicals for 36 years , then it wasn't required to wear any protection so doctor said that's probably were I got it , every year I have a CT scan and I have nodles on my lungs , I know MG affects your muscles and your lungs are muscles and it effects your respiratory system how much I don't know this is a learning experience for me to , I'd ask her more see if she can give you an answer , or call your Neurologist and ask him , mine has a portal that I can message him , and he gets back to me or gives his nurse the message to send me.
Crackles in the lungs can sometimes occur in people with myasthenia gravis due to complications like aspiration pneumonia, which happens when food or liquids accidentally enter the lungs. Even with a negative chest X-ray, it's important to monitor symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing, or fatigue. Let your doctor know Show Full Answer
Dear Sheila, Your symptoms sound very painful. Prayers that your CT scan comes back negative with nothing serious showing. Hopefully your doctor will have some answers for you. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well my friend. Please keep us all posted. 💖
SheilaNelson wishing you the same , lets hope 2025 has big things in store for all with MG ❤
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